Staffing Shortages and Fatigue Can Reduce Infection Control Practices
It’s common knowledge that the mix of high COVID-19 patient volume with staff departures amid the pandemic has put hospitals at the heart of a national staffing shortage. But no one could predict that two years into the pandemic, the incidence of healthcare-associated infections would increase significantly after years of steady declines.1
Researchers attributed the increase to the COVID-19-related challenges of staffing shortages and high patient caseloads, limiting hospitals’ ability to follow standard infection control practices. The Leapfrog Group requires at lead 200 hundred observations per month. Proper hand hygiene is essential, yet can be overlooked especially during global pandemics. Most clinicians are focused on direct patient care leaving little fewer resources to conduct these observations.
Hospitals struggle to accurately capture a picture of their hand hygiene compliance. And when they do start properly tracking hand hygiene, they generally find their rate isn’t even close to what they thought it was. Compounding the issue is the perceived technology upgrades needed and the associated cost to upgrade each facility’s infrastructure.
EnterMirador Health . We offer a simple yet effective technology that helps solve the complex problem of reducing hospital-acquired infections with innovative hand sanitizing solutions that drive healthier outcomes for hospitals, healthcare providers, and patients.
Our innovative Mirador Guardian TM dispensers record all dispensing events by location, time, and person. Dispensers can be placed in inpatient rooms and high traffic public or staff areas. The Mirador Health system doesn’t require expensive technology or an IT infrastructure upgrade. Instead, the system pairs logistical intelligence and Bluetooth technology within our hand sanitization liquid dispensers.
All hand sanitization events are monitored, tracked, and reported in real-time with an ID badge. Both completed and missed events are captured, which allows for better training and education where needed. The data from these events benefit patients, physicians, and hospitals with no disruption to protocols or operating procedures.
In-person observations can be replaced with customizable, user-friendly dashboards that gather real-time data on hand hygiene workflow behaviors, calculate compliance, log missed opportunities, and strategically pinpoint where corrective action is required at an individual, team, department, or healthcare system level. Equipment monitoring, such as liquid levels, battery levels, and proper operation, is also reported. Information can even be made anonymous.
We have a flexible system that can be customized to your needs. Give us a call to learn more!
1. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology , September 2021.