
Intelligent Hand Sanitization

An Innovative Approach to Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

Increase Patient Safety by Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance

Mirador Health’s hand hygiene system solves the complex problem of reducing HAIs through innovative technology allowing providers to achieve compliance that drives healthier outcomes for patients, hospitals, and post-acute care facilities.

Problems We Solve

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

are common, complex and on the rise. They significantly delay recovery processes, increase cost due to longer hospital stays, and, most importantly, can even result in the loss of life.


  • Costs the lives of 100K+ patients per year

  • 1 in 31 patients get HAIs

  • Elderly patients are more susceptible to HAIs


  • National compliance average just 50%

  • HAI protocols lack abilities to track and manage

  • HAIs add 9 Days to Length of Stay


  • HAIs cost $28B to $48B annually

  • HAIs average $15K per bed

  • Lowest performing 25% are penalized by CMS
Raising The Bar

Secret shoppers and manual processes take significant time, resources

Joint Commission offers incentives to increase safety protocols. They also label automated hand hygiene systems as the “Gold Standard” for monitoring hand hygiene events.

Mirador Health offers a comprehensive tech-enabled solution addressing the complexity of HAIs. Through smart products with bi-directional capabilities, Mirador GuardianTM dispensers record all hand hygiene events by location, date, time, and person. HAIs require ongoing diligence, education, and accurate actionable data to drive positive change.

Mirador Health can help raise the bar for hand hygiene standards.

Drive corrective action via accurate data, reducing HAIs through continuing education and proper patient safety interventions

Dispense & Sanitize

  • Capture all hand hygiene events and explore opportunities for behavior change

  • Mirador GuardianTM dispensers report data without disruption in clinical workflow

  • Save time and resources by eliminating the manual process and secret shoppers

  • Monitor liquid level and battery level management

Technology & Reporting

  • Know all dispensing events by specific person, time, and location

  • Aggregated data is immediately available, supporting a 100% compliance goal

  • Customizable dashboards drill down to individual or group level

  • Real time insights for managing department resources

Markets We Serve

Hospitals & Health Systems

Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Post-Acute Care Facilities

Explore Our Resources

Financial Impact of HAIs

Healthcare-acquired Infections and Financial Impact to Healthcare Organizations.

Company Overview

Mirador Health was launched to address the complex problem of reducing hospital- acquired infections.

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