Hand Hygiene Solutions
Intelligent Compliance
An Innovative Approach to Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) and Increase Patient Safety by Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance
Smart Hygiene Products
Robust monitoring functionality using best in class technology with Bluetooth Low Energy and Amazon Web Services
Integrated Technologies
Mirador GuardianTM dispensers & software monitor and capture a snapshot of hand hygiene events for safety protocols
Compliance Monitoring
Provides robust reporting with proactive alerts to help increase workforce hygiene utilization
Mirador Technology Platform
Understand the who, what, where, and when to take proper corrective action when needed.
Real time bi-directional data is collected, encrypted, and forwarded to a cloud for collection and reporting.
The Mirador GuardianTM smart hand hygiene dispenser is the automated nerve center for the Mirador platform.
Simple onboarding technology connects with other Mirador devices
Accurately tracks a dispensing event with motion detection by person, place, time, and department, increasing safety protocols
Monitors battery and liquid levels in near real-time, providing a sense of security that devices are fully operational

Bluetooth-Based Tags
Easily-associated BLE badges that can be added to any existing healthcare ID
Recognizes a person's proximity in patient room or other common areas
Fully customizable reports with the ability to track performance by individual, department, hospital, or healthcare system. Drive meaningful intervention conversations that can reduce HAIs and increase patient safety.
Administrative Reports
Event Reports
Missed Opportunities
Equipment Reports
Liquid Levels
Battery Levels
Inventory Management

Upon request, customizable, user-friendly dashboards gather actionable data on:
Device Management
Hand hygiene workflow behaviors
Where improvements are needed at each level
-Individual (or Anonymous)
- Team
- Department
- Healthcare System
Highly accurate, near real-time data helps improve polices that can reduce the financial burdens associated with HAIs.